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Divergent Church Canberra Giving

At DIVERGENT CHURCH we consider giving an act of worship in response to the fact everything belongs to God. We give in faithful expectation, understanding finance is like seed and God can bring great growth in the Kingdom through our faithful giving. Your giving helps change lives from our door steps to the very ends of the earth.


The strength of DIVERGENT CHURCH can be found in the generosity and commitment of its people. This is seen through the countless volunteer hours offered to run community programs, in those serving in church services and through those who financially support the church and its initiatives.



There are a number of avenues through which you can give financially into the community and vision of DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra & Queanbeyan in addition to giving on Sundays in cash.


When giving online to a specific local congregation (eg. CITYSOUTH) or cause (Syrian Refugee Work / Mission Work) Please indicate this in your notes.




You can direct deposit into the DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra & Queanbeyan accounts by setting up such in your online bank accounts. The details of our accounts are below




Bank: Westpac

Acc name: General

BSB: 032713

Acc No. 212552

Please help our book keeping by 'assigning' your giving to your gathering (eg. North / CitySouth etc.) in your transfer notes. This enables us to create better budgets and maintains accountability financially.




Bank: Westpac

Acc name: Mission

BSB: 032713

Acc No. 212587

When giving to a specific cause, worker or context (eg. Turkey) please note such in your transfer notes otherwise all giving is generally assigned to global initiatives.




For Sunday's offering, as well as special events, you can now give using a smartphone App. currently accepts all major credit cards and ACH, and works on iPhone and Android phones. It is simple and effective to use. You can download the app in the links just below for your Android or Apple device. Within you can also give using Apple, Google or Microsoft Pay.

When giving to Divergent - please search DIVERGENT CHURCH (Mitchell, Act)





Give to the mission of Divergent Church Canberra Queanbeyan Jerrabomberra
Divergent Church Canberra Queanbeyan Jerrabomberra
Divergent Church Canberra giving



You can give a one-time or recurring gift through our website just below. Automatic giving allows you to specify your gift and the amount will be automatically deducted from your checking or savings account on a frequency you choose. The second way is to give a one-time gift via your personal credit/debit card.


That's it... It's quick & easy!


In addition to your general giving, can we encourage you to consider giving faithfully to the Global emphasis which sees workers and projects enabled across the world. Many of these contexts are sensitive and as such, we guard the local believer’s security. We do try as much as possible and wise to communicate these opportunities and their impact.


As a quick note, in addition to directed giving towards the Mission Initiatives of DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra, all GST returns DIVERGENT CHURCH Canbera receives as GST exempt are directed towards Mission and Community Initiatives serving the least and the unreached. 


What matters most in giving is our faithfulness and the benefit brought to those beyond ourselves, that said, scripture is clear that giving brings benefit to the giver as well. Giving stores reward in heaven (Matt 6:19 - 2, 19:29) it redirects the heart (Matt 6:21), generosity helps in overcoming greed (Luke 12:15). It both reflects and helps create a life that can be blessed by God in however he sees fit (Proverbs 3:9, 2 Cor 9:6).


Giving financially is a crucial part in partnering in the mission of God as he has entrusted to his people, it is a privilege to partner in it.


  1. Marriages are saved, families brought to health, people are restored. In your church, there are marriages that have been on the brink of tearing apart, hearts of children broken as family members go their own way however because of those in their Life Community and their pastors, they fight together for their marriages. Even in cases where unfortunately marriages have dissolved, there is a community who supports them in the journey.

  2. People are equipped to live on mission in every day life. When people are equipped for living on mission, lives in workplaces, universities, schools, parks and beyond and are impacted with a demonstration and declaration of Jesus' grace that otherwise would not be possible.

  3. Young people find places of comfort and truth as your giving enables initiatives in the life of our Church, in schools and universities to thrive in ways otherwise not possible. From Kids life communities to school breakfast initiatives and university engagement through GENLIFE young people are finding community and ultimately Christ because of your generosity.

  4. The hurting are comforted. Those within our community and beyond it alike are coming to your church with real pain. Sometimes, God uses the teaching from the stage to bring them comfort. Sometimes, it is a meeting with a pastor or finding their place in a Life Community.

  5. Needs of the vulnerable are met. Through, food packs, vouchers, and other assistance people are helped through difficult circumstance. Often, this type of ministry goes unnoticed by most of the church, especially as in our context much of this is done not through formal programs but the platform of relationship.

  6. The friendless find friends and family. Our city and region can be a lonely experience. So many find belonging in our community even before they find belief in Christ.

  7. People find a place to ask real questions, our community has become a safe place for so many to both have their doubts heard and faith birthed. You help enable that environment both in attitude and generosity.

  8. People hear and see a declaration and demonstration of Jesus' kingdom. The greatest part of our community and it's mission is Jesus. Jesus is our reason, is our message, our motivation. When people are baptised, declaring their faith in Jesus, your generosity has often helped their journey because environments and opportunities, even facilities have been paid for that help them find home, find community and in such find the way, the truth and the life that is only found in Jesus.

  9. People are sent, to start new communities both locally and beyond. In a fairly brief time we have planted more new communities then most will in half a century. Though this takes faith on behalf of those stepping out, it is also made possible by our constant practical and financial support. Sending cost money, and we are excited to sow in faith and partner with those that step out to extend God's kingdom.

  10. and... all the above is not only being enabled locally or even nationally but GLOBALLY. People are being impacted by the mercy, grace and truth of Jesus from our door steps to the very ends of the earth. Churches are being planted, workers are being supported, people are being fed and housed, new believers are being trained. As a Church, even before specified giving to global causes we commit at least ten percent of our local giving to global causes, additionally, all GST returns we receive due to being a not-for-profit are given to causes outside of our self.

    The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 10:14-15

    “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? “

    Sending requires us to support in every way possible, we have the privilege to support those who are sent both in prayer, in personal support and financially. In doing so we partner in their ministry and mission (Phil 1:5)


There are many great opportunities for sowing financially and you should participate in their ministry. However, don’t miss out on home and what your immediate Church family is doing.  When you give lives are being changed, communities are forming, disciples are being made. And you get to be a part of it!


Legal Accountability and Transparency - DIVERGENT CHURCH  (as a trading name for Divergent Global Inc) is a registered charity under the auspices of the ACNC. To view our records and reports you can go to our ACNC charity report page


Tax Deductibility - DIVERGENT GLOBAL Incorporated (like all Australian Churches) is not a tax deductible recipient. Though Churches in other countries at times have such, that is not the case in Australia.

Dilan Samuel is the treasurer of the incorporation that oversees the financial and legal governance of DIVERGENT CHURCH. If you have any questions, please contact at We have checks and balances in place to ensure the finances are handled with care and integrity. For details, please contact us. Our accountant may also respond if needed.


Our financial practices and structures are set up in such a way which require high standards of biblical accountability, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of resources. For general questions about our financial practices, contact us at

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